The Power Is In The People Movement.

In 1963 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr led one of the largest civil rights movements to this day. The march on Washington where he delivered the “I have a dream” speech to thousands of people. Racial injustice and many other catastrophic events led to the greatest march that changed society for African Americans and many others to come. Those same catastrophic events that led to the march on Washington are the same events just in a new millennium that has led to The Power is in the People Movement. The Power is in the People movement is a call to all people to put an end to gang violence, the destruction of our families, the lack of unity, the high rate of poverty ,drugs in our community and most of all the mental and physical execution of our youth. Trenton N.J. goes by the motto “Trenton makes the world takes”. Our vision is that our call for unity will ring out not only through the city streets, but through the country.

Monday, September 3, 2007


The Power is in the People Blogspot is a new blog that keeps the younger generation politically, historically, fashionably, spiritually, and currently knowledgeable.

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